Tuesday, August 12, 2008

wore out!

i finally have a moment to sit & get on the computer so i thought i would blog a bit. let's just say the past week has been very busy and exhausting! i have been working at my good friend brea's consignment sale ENCORES AND MORE NORTH in rivergate. i worked 88 hours in 8 days. this week will probably be about the same. unusually, i really don't mind because i absolutely love it.

i have missed my family though and i really missed my bryson! but there was lots of interesting things that kept me busy and definitely entertained while at the sale.

1. of course brea. she is seriously like the only person i know; other than my late grandfather, who has a story about everything! and they aren't boring. she is one of the funniest people i know. so we who work at the sale are constantly laughing.
2.brea and i had to clean up some old ladies "poo"!! the lady seriously had an accident on herself and we had to clean it up. we wore toilet paper around our faces and gagged and laughed the whole time.
3.on the not so funny side but some of the other wild things that happened...one of the workers little girls fell and had to get stitches right as we were opening for the public. it was very sad. brea's hubby was in a car accident. the car hit a telephone pole and went over rivergate pkwy. and hit another van! luckily, no one was hurt.
4.bryson had to get shots! so sad. he didn't even cry.

well, this has been my very eventful week. tune in for more later.
i will be posting pics. soon.

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