Thursday, August 21, 2008


i did get a few things accomplished after all today. i mailed off some bills and went to the store to pick up a few things. i also managed to print off several pictures for natalies school project that is due next week; but i am happy to say will be turned in a week early! just as a sidebar here, why do kids have projects that they can't do on there on? on the directions for this one particular pjct. it said "parents feel free to help your child". well, of course it says that b/c they know she could not do it by herself!!!!!! urrgggg. just a little aggravating.

so, anyhoo, i also was able to schedule my wonderful mother in law to come clean my house from top to bottom tomorrow while i am at work for a very reasonable charge of $60. we will be gone a lot this weekend and the girls both will be gone most of the weekend so the house will stay clean. which by the way makes me very happy woman! i will also cook dinner tonight. thats right. i am cooking. it has been a few weeks since i have done this. my family will not know what to think! i am also doing a couple of loads of laundry.

i feel MUCH better about my day than i had previously stated. i may not conquered the world to day but i did however; manage to get some important things done. the most important spending some time w/my lil guy whom i haven't seen much of lately!


srrwilson said...

Hey, if you want some real gratification...feel free to head down the street to my house. :) You could get tons of gratification there!!!!! There's plenty to do. If today's not good for you, consider it an open offer anytime you need to feel extra accomplished. :)

srrwilson said...

You fed my ego a little with that myspace comment you left about me being funny. Now I'm trying too hard, aren't I? I always do that. Geeesh. I never now when to quit. Like do I even end this without trying to be funny? There is no way. I'll just keep ramblin and rambling until...