Thursday, August 21, 2008

what do i do....

well, i have a day off today! no where to be, no appts., nothing! so, why i am meandering around? i am just bored. now, don't get me wrong it's nice to not have anything to do or rather anywhere to go. but i like being busy. back to things to do: i have plenty that i could be doing. i could be doing some laundry, dusting-because it looks as if we bought furry furniture, clean my bathrooms, and the list could simply go on. i have worked a lot hours in the past couple of weeks so cleaning my house just doesn't sound like fun right now. now, for those of you who really know me you know this is not typical behavior for me. i love to clean and get some sort of gratification from it. i just don't have it in me today. i want a massage, a vacation- tropical, a nice evening alone w/ my husband, i just want to get away. did i mention i wanted to go on a vacation......

so, that was i bunch of rambling i know but i really am trying to figure out what to do with my day. i feel guilty for sitting down and being on the computer and not doing something PRODUCTIVE ! i just cant muster up the energy. does anyone else ever do this or is it just my obsessive compulsiveness kicking in? i just want to know why i cant lay around and do nothing without feeling guilty and useless.

my house is really not that bad. Travis has done a great job staying on top of things while i have been MIA. it's just dusting and my bathrooms. maybe i could pay someone to come do that tomorrow while i am at work?

1 comment:

srrwilson said...

Don't feel bad. You've worked your tooshie off. Enjoy a day of rest and relaxation. What am I saying I was up at 5:30 this morning putting a roast on for dinner tonight. LOL. (Now, THAT doesn't happen often.) Maybe you and I are experiencing reverse roles today. It could happen!